M 16 "Eagle Nebula"


Object ............................................  M16 - " Eagle Nebula" - Pillars of Creation
Constellation ..............................  Serpens 
Distance + Ap. Magnitude.......  7000 Light Years - 6.0
RA / DEC .................................... 18h:18m.42sec / -13° 49 m
Date + Time ...............................   3/ 7/2008 - 20:50 UTC
Location ....................................   "Nunki Observatory" - Skiathos
Optics .........................................
  Celestron C11 f/10
Tools ..........................................   CCDsoft
Camera .....................................   SBIG ST2000XM with CFW 8A (Astrodon filters)
Exposure Time.......................     Ha 6nm : 14 X 300 sec
More Details ...........................    Environment Temperature : 29oC  Camera Temperature -5οC
Mount .......................................   Paramount ME
Guiding ....................................    Self guided
Processing Details ................    Photoshop , Maxim , CCDsoft
Notes ........................................    Weather:8/10 - Transparence: 4/6 - Humidity : 62 %

Target details .........................  
Lying some 7,000 light years distant in the constellation Serpens, close to the borders to Scutum and Sagittarius, and in the next inner spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy from us (the Sagittarius or Sagittarius-Carina Arm) a great cloud of interstellar gas and dust has entered a vivid process of star formation. Open star cluster M16 has formed from this great gaseous and dusty cloud, the diffuse Eagle Nebula IC 4703, which is now caused to shine by emission light, excited by the high-energy radiation of its massive hot, young stars. It is actually still in the process of forming new stars, this formation taking place near the dark "elephant trunks .

© Nikos Paschalis