Date + Time ................................
03/06/2016 - 21:30UTC / 01:45 UTC
Location ....................................
"Nunki Observatory" - Skiathos
Optics .........................................
Officina Stellare Advanced RILA 400 f/5.25
Tools .......................................... THE SKY
Camera ......................................
STXL11002 with FW8G-STXL (Astrodon
Exposure Time......................... Red: 201 X 60 Sec
Mount ....................................... Paramount
Guiding .................................... Unguided
Processing Details .................. Maxim ,The Sky X ,
Ccdautopilot 5
More Details ...........................
Environment Temperature : 22 oC Camera Temperature -30 οC
Sky temperature ..................... -14. οC
Notes ........................................ Weather:
Clear Transparence:
Humidity : 70-78 %
Moon Illumination ............... 2.1%

Astronomer on duty: Angelos Tsiaras
Amateur astronomers on duty : Nikolaos I.
Paschalis - Natasa Kokori
Analysing data & analysing software : Angelos Tsiaras
- Natasa Kokori
Target details ......................... TrES-2b (or
Kepler-1b) is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star GSC
03549-02811 located 750 light years away from the Solar System.
The planet has been identified in 2011 as the darkest known
exoplanet, reflecting less than 1% of any light that hits it.The
planet's mass and radius indicate that it is a gas giant with a bulk
composition similar to that of Jupiter. Unlike Jupiter, but similar
to many planets detected around other stars, TrES-2b is
located very close to its star, and belongs to the class of planets
known as hot Jupiters. This system was within the field of view of
the Kepler spacecraft.
This planet continues to be studied by other projects and the
parameters are being improved continuously. A 2007 study improved
stellar and planetary parameters. A 2008 study concluded that the
TrES-2 system is a binary star system. This has a significant
effect on the values for the stellar and the planetary parameters.