Date + Time ................................
12/04/2016 - 19:30UTC / 01:30 UTC
Location ....................................
"Nunki Observatory" - Skiathos
Optics .........................................
Officina Stellare Advanced RILA 400 f/5.25
Tools .......................................... THE SKY
Camera ......................................
STXL11002 with FW8G-STXL (Astrodon
Exposure Time......................... Red: 166 X 60 Sec
Mount ....................................... Paramount
Guiding .................................... Unguided
Processing Details .................. Maxim ,The Sky X ,
Ccdautopilot 5
More Details ...........................
Environment Temperature : 15 oC Camera Temperature -35 οC
Sky temperature ..................... -16. οC
Notes ........................................ Weather:
Clear Transparence:
Humidity : 60-70 %
Moon Illumination ............... 44%

Astronomer on duty: Angelos Tsiaras
Amateur astronomers on duty : Nikolaos I.
Paschalis - Natasa Kokori
Analysing data & analysing software : Angelos Tsiaras
- Natasa Kokori
Target details .........................
TrES-3b is an extrasolar
planet orbiting the star GSC 03089-00929. It has an orbital period
of just 31 hours and is undergoing orbital decay due to tidal
effects. It has nearly twice the mass of Jupiter.
The radial velocity trend of the star that hosts TrES-3.
It is the third transiting planet found by the Trans-Atlantic
Exoplanet Survey. It was discovered in the constellation Hercules
about 10 degrees west of Vega, the brightest star in the
summer skies. Its mass was confirmed via radial velocity
measurements of the host star, which showed the presence of a planet
mass companion with the same period as the transits. The planet's
home star is slightly smaller and cooler than the Sun. The orbital
period is less than one and a third days, one of the shortest known.