Date + Time ................................
21/12/2015 - 17:21UTC / 22:13 UTC
Location ....................................
"Nunki Observatory" - Skiathos
Optics .........................................
Officina Stellare Advanced RILA 400 f/5.25
Tools .......................................... THE SKY
Camera ......................................
STXL11002 with FW8G-STXL (Astrodon
Exposure Time.........................
Red: 214 X 60 Sec
Mount ....................................... Paramount
Guiding .................................... Unguided
Processing Details .................. Maxim , AIP4WIN
More Details ...........................
Environment Temperature : 08 oC Camera Temperature -35 οC
Sky temperature ..................... -12. οC
Notes ........................................ Weather:
Clear Transparence:
Humidity : 80-85 %
Moon Illumination ............... 84%

Target details ......................... WASP-12b
is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star WASP-12, discovered by
the SuperWASP planetary transit survey. Its discovery was announced
on April 1, 2008.Due to its extremely close orbit to its star, it
has one of the lowest densities for exoplanets ('inflated' by the
flux of energy from the star). The planet takes only a little over a
day to orbit the star, in contrast to 365 days for the Earth to
orbit the Sun. Its distance from the star (approximately 2,115,000
miles) is only 1/44 the Earth’s distance from the Sun, with an
eccentricity the same as Jupiter's. On 3 December 2013,
scientists working with the Hubble Space Telescope reported
detecting water in the atmosphere of the exoplanet.
In July, 2014, NASA announced finding very dry atmospheres on three
exoplanets (HD 189733b, HD 209458b, WASP-12b) orbiting sun-like
stars. |