Date + Time ................................
27-28/05/2016 - 20:30UTC / 02:30 UTC
Location ....................................
"Nunki Observatory" - Skiathos
Optics .........................................
Officina Stellare Advanced RILA 400 f/5.25
Tools .......................................... THE SKY
Camera ......................................
STXL11002 with FW8G-STXL (Astrodon
Exposure Time......................... Red: 180 X 60 Sec
Mount ....................................... Paramount
Guiding .................................... Unguided
Processing Details .................. Maxim ,The Sky X ,
Ccdautopilot 5
More Details ...........................
Environment Temperature : 19 oC Camera Temperature -35 οC
Sky temperature ..................... -14. οC
Notes ........................................ Weather:
Clear Transparence:
Humidity : 70-80 %
Moon Illumination ............... 58%

Astronomer on duty: Angelos Tsiaras
Amateur astronomers on duty : Nikolaos I.
Paschalis - Natasa Kokori
Analysing data & analysing software : Angelos Tsiaras
- Natasa Kokori
Target details ......................... WASP-3b is
an extrasolar planet orbiting the star WASP-3 located over
727 light-years away in the constellation Lyra. It was discovered
via the transit method by SuperWASP, and follow up radial velocity
observations confirmed that WASP-3b is a planet. The planet's
mass and radius indicate that it is a gas giant with a similar bulk
composition to Jupiter. WASP-3b has such an orbital distance
around its star to classify it in the class of planets known as hot
Jupiters and has an atmospheric temperature of approximately 1983 K.
WASP-3b undergoes no detectable gravitational tugging from other
bodies in this system.